Quote of the day:

“I am done with great things and big plans, great institutions and big success. I am for those tiny, invisible, loving, human forces that work from individual to individual, creeping through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, which, if given time, will rend the hardest monuments of pride.” ― William James


Tiny, invisible, loving human forces

I first saw the William James quote above, in a photo-essay about Pete Seeger. The quote was painted on the outside of Seeger’s home in Beacon, New York.

I loved the simplicity of this thought and I loved that Pete Seeger had it painted on his house, just as I love the barn I found near where I live (see above) with it’s loving wish for all beings.

Both encourage me to stop making big plans and focusing on big change. Instead minute by minute, breath by breath,  I focus on tiny, invisible acts of love.

Thinking about climate change, the growing disparity of wealth worldwide, wars, famines, the environment, and the increasingly polarized political climate in our country paralyzes me. Talking about it with friends is so discouraging.

Where does one start? What can one person do?

I’ve learned to start with my breath.

Breathe in peace.

Breathe out love.

I focus my awareness on the only moment that exists—the eternal now—noticing, allowing, letting thoughts and feelings arise and flow through me.

Then I remember that I am more than this physical body, I am connected to the entire universe and to universes I cannot even imagine. I am all that. And love is the most powerful force there is.


Love Wins

No need for heroic acts or massive planning. I just need to ask myself, “What would love do?” and then I do it.

Here is a list of tiny, invisible, acts of love to get you started:

  • Take a moment to look at the sky and notice its beauty. Give a silent prayer of Thanks.
  • Smile at someone.  Silently send them loving kindness—May you be happy. May you be well. May you be safe. May you be peaceful and at ease.
  • Ask yourself, “How can I be a more loving friend to [insert name]?” And then do  whatever it is that comes to you for that friend. (Hint – it can be as easy as listening more carefully the next time your friend calls.)
Plant a tree

Plant a tree

  • Plant a tree—When economist E.F. Schumacher, author of Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered, was asked what political advice he would give based on his understanding of economics and his current world insights, he replied, “I can’t speak for others, but my own advice would be to plant a tree.”
  • The next time you find yourself angry with someone or reacting negatively to something someone did, make up 3 generous stories that explain why the person behaved the way he/she did. Let go of judging and send compassion instead.
  • Buy locally produced organic food.
  • Call someone to get together for coffee or tea.
  • Give something of yours (don’t buy something new) to someone you think will use or enjoy it.
  • Hug a friend today.
  • Share something silly or a laugh with someone today.


  • Create something.
  • Do something you love.



Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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