Quote of the day: 

Each person’s life is like a mandala- a vast, limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle, and
everything we see, hear and think forms the mandala of our life.

We enter a room, and the room is our mandala. We get on the subway, and the subway car is our mandala,
down to the teenager checking messages on her iPhone and the homeless man slumped in the corner.

We go for a hike in the mountains, and everything as far as we can see is our mandala:  the clouds, the trees, the snow on the peaks, even the rattlesnake coiled in the corner. We’re lying in a hospital bed, and the hospital is our mandala.

We don’t set it up, we don’t get to choose what or who shows up in it.  It is, As Chogyam Trungpa said,”the mandala that is never arranged but is always complete.”  And we embrace it just as it is.

— Pema Chodron

Mandala Print I made today for an Etsy order

Mandala Print I made today for an Etsy order

Today as I worked on test prints for an order I needed to print and send out, I finally had the colors adjusted just right on the print when I noticed that my printer was leaving little splotches of dark ink in various spots around the test prints. After swearing under my breath, I knew it was time to step back and figure out how to resolve the problem.

First I checked my user manual. There was no mention of this problem in the lengthy list of possible printer issues. I went online and googled a phrase that described the issue I was seeing and found several helpful answers. The consensus was that the first thing to do was run a head cleaning cycle on the printer (actually the recommended action was to run two head cleanings).

Ever aware of the cost of ink, I ran a single head cleaning and then printed another test print. Voila! The problem was solved. Once I had a clean small test print, I printed out the beautiful 16×16 inch print you see above for my order.

I sure wish all of my life’s problems could be resolved so quickly and easily by checking a user manual, going online and googling a key phrase, running a quick head cleaning, and then a test run. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Still, I trust that my life’s mandala is complete the way it is. Are there things I would change if I could? Are you kidding me? I would have a pain-free, vibrantly healthy body if I could just make it so.

On the other hand, my physical limitations have taught me a lot and they continue to teach me.

I get to learn over and over again about how to listen to my heart and soul, let go of ego trips, and focus in on what really matters.

My mandala which I did not consciously arrange is always complete.

mandala of life

A little photo play


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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