Quote of the day: “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ― Lao Tzu

embracing change

Big crane and tree removal equipment in front of our house

Today was the day the tree guys came to take down the remainder of the tree that fell last week during the storm.

Because the tree was so big and so close to the house, they brought in a huge crane to lift it over the house in pieces.

embracing change

Treetop up above the rooftop – goodbye old friend

The crew blocked off the whole street with their equipment. Soon the commotion drew lots of neighbors to gawk at the crane as it lifted the top of our beautiful basswood tree over the roof. Because the tree damage in our back yard was screened by the house and other trees on the side of the house, everyone was amazed at the actual damage that had occurred.

embracing change

Rigging the treetop for removal

I fell in love with our house partly because of the wonderful trees in the back yard and the little pond and park area beyond. Over the years, we’ve lost two trees in the front yard and four big basswoods in the back yard.

It was been long enough that I cannot really remember what the front yard looked like when we bought the house. Mother nature, our own landscaping preferences and painting the house, have changed it.

embracing change

Crane lifting treetop over the house

Now we are seeing the transformation of our back yard. Time will show us how our little sanctuary will transform.

From one kind of beauty into new beauty

I keep reminding myself that I am not losing something and that change is natural and spontaneous.

Yesterday, because the big branches of the basswood no longer blocked our view of the pond from our dining room, I was able to watch a mother mallard duck and her ducklings rest beside the pond.

The first time my mother visited our home, she said, “You’d have a good view if the trees weren’t there.”  Mom is probably looking down from wherever she is, smiling today.

Embracing change

The new view from our dining room

The view is lovely and different and perfect

This afternoon I plan to go the local nursery and get a large plant to set on the tree stump of my beloved tree.




Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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