Quote of the day: “But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart.

(Mais les yeux sont aveugles. Il faut chercher avec le cœur.)”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,  The Little Prince

I discovered Kat Sloma’s Photo-Heart Connection recently and I was intrigued by the invitation. Kat suggests that we:

Deepen the connection between your photos and your heart and soul by participating in this monthly review of your images, to find the one that best connects to your heart. By sharing in the link up, you will develop relationships with other like-minded photographers searching for that photo-heart connection.

This is my first photo-heart connection blog post. It was lovely and illuminating reviewing the images I made during the month of June to find the one that best connects with my heart. Here’s the story of why this image speaks to me.

The month of June was a month of enforced rest for me due to a fierce summer cold that lingered for three weeks. Each time I tried to power through the illness, I got sicker, until I finally accepted that I needed to rest and relax and accept.

My photo-heart connection for June is this photo of water running cool, clear and fresh. After days of resting, reading, and soaking in the green summer magic, the fresh, clean water of truth rushes through my heart.

For years I’ve struggled with weird health issues and for years I’ve worked hard to heal and planned for when I am stronger. I’ve lived with if-only’s and what-ifs, working hard to reach my desired destination of strength and fitness and the ability to travel and adventure wherever I want. But no matter what I’ve done, “good health” has always remained out-of-reach.

June brought an end to my planning and if-only’s. My heart has finally recognized that planning for a future that might never be, keeps me from being fully present to what IS. It is devilishly difficult to let go of dreams and ambitions and hopes. I grieve for those lost dreams and unrealized ambitions. At the same time I feel deliciously free, fresh, and clear.

Life is short. As I spent time on the deck swing in June, soaking in the lovely summer air while I was ill, I realized how often my mind went to some future desired state—when I’m stronger, fitter, thinner, healed… It was a shock to realize how much of my energy went towards these illusory goals. There I was, surrounded by beauty, feeling a gentle breeze on my skin, smelling the sweet scents of basswood trees in bloom and instead of appreciating the wholeness of the moment, I was off wishing for something else.

June was my time to recognize the wholeness that is inside myself NOW. Yes, I have limitations and I cannot do everything I want to do. Isn’t that the truth for all of us? Don’t we all experience limitations? Maybe that’s what “earth school” is all about—living with limitations. I am letting go of if-only’s and embracing the grace and beauty here now. Cool, clear, refreshing truth flows through my heart. Beauty is everywhere, especially in the present moment.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


Paula · July 6, 2012 at 2:16 am

Welcome! This shot is gorgeous, and I very much enjoyed reading your connection. We too often wait for something when we already have so much, and it all goes by so quickly. Here’s to savoring the present!

gina · July 6, 2012 at 3:31 am

It sounds like you have discovered an important lesson, so beautifully expressed: “the fresh, green water of truth rushes through my heart.” Accepting our realities and limitations can be challenging, but living in the present brings so much joy. Wishing you strength and happiness!

Elsie · July 6, 2012 at 5:31 pm

Maybee you must give up the dreams that can not came true because for reasons but that will not say that you can not dream anymore, there could be dreams that came true with the possibilities you have. Keep dreaming, but don’t forget to enjoy life, I love your fresh post.
Great refreshing photo, thanks for sharing that and sharing your thoughts.

Kat Sloma · July 14, 2012 at 11:47 pm

What a powerful realization you have made and shared, in this statement, “My heart has finally recognized that planning for a future that might never be, keeps me from being fully present to what IS.” You remind us all that when we live for the future, we miss the now. I am happy that you have made a new beginning after your illness, and are ready to savor each moment. Thank you so much for joining in with the Photo-Heart Connection.

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