Embracing my desire to name myself a photographer, live a different life then the one I led before and put my art out there for the world to see has given me a much greater understanding of vulnerability.  The vulnerability of showing up as myself, doing the work, and putting it out there scares the hell out of me.  The not knowing and letting go of control sets off every all sorts of alarms in my monkey-mind.  And then I start feeling disconnected and down and start questioning myself and my life choices.  Fortunately, each time I get to the scared and doubting place, inspiration comes from many different directions at once and I realize that there are going to be bumps in the road and I will stumble sometimes.  I feel as if I am being held in the compassionate embrace of infinite grace and power.  Today I want to share some of the blogs and other resources that have become the “wind beneath my wings.”

I just started reading Jen Lemen’s blog at  http://jenlemen.com/blog/.  Wow! I am so impressed with her writing and her courage and willingness to be real.

I also stumbled upon this about vulnerability:

Vulnerable Is Beautiful from Rachael Maddox on Vimeo.

And finally, I love Brene Brown’s blog: http://www.ordinarycourage.com/.

May you find inspiration when you need it.  May you live in your heart.  May you find joy and peace.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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