Quote of the day: “Conceiving of ourselves as artists in whatever work we do gives us a metaphor for a life of integrity, service, enjoyment, and excellence.”  Laurence G. Boldt in Zen and the Art of Making a Living.

Each one of us every day has the opportunity to live as an artist.  What does it mean to live as an artist?  I think it means living with authenticity, courage, compassion, and vulnerability.  Making art or making an artful life means being willing to be seen. That can be scary because we worry about being judged or looking stupid.  But I have found that the stuff that makes me feel vulnerable is the stuff that carries the juice that makes me feel alive and brings me joy.  Each time I publish a photo online or write a blog entry or tell someone about the photo exhibit I’m preparing for, I get a little scared.  At the same time, I love what I am doing and can’t not do it.  Today I took photos to Blick Art Store to make the final prints for my exhibit.  As I was talking with the printer and looking at the images all of these thoughts about how this guy must be judging my work were going through my head.  When I told a friend about my fears about my work, he asked me who I was making the photographs for.  At first I said, “Myself – I’m making them to please myself.”  But then I realized that really my photographs are my gifts of gratitude and love to the creator.  Who am I to judge or worry about others judging me?  My job is to show up, be present, and to see with my heart.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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