
Impermanence This time of year I am reminded of the impermanence of life. As fall moves inexorably towards winter I work to stay present in the moment, accepting and embracing the beauty of each fleeting moment. The cycle of seasons remind me that everything changes and nothing lasts forever. It’s Read more…

Happy Days

Earlier this week I visited the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum with my camera. I only spent about a half hour there before the rain began to seriously fall, but oh, such beauty everywhere I looked. Happy days indeed! Happy Days The season is truly transitioning to fall though I wish I Read more…


The word for today in my August Mindfulness challenge is miracle. I think life is full of ordinary miracles everywhere you look.Among the things that feel like a miracle to me, I count flowers of all kinds, butterflies, dragonflies, and bumble bees, trees, painted turtles, birds soaring in the sky, Read more…