Living, Laughing, Loving

Some days I consider the questions, “What is my purpose? Have I done enough?” and then I realize that the meaning of my life is not measured by what I do. It is enough to simply be here now Living, Laughing, Loving doing the best I can to choose joy and share what I see and love about this world. I found a new (to me) poem by Mary Oliver that expresses this so beautifully… The Gardener Have I lived enough? Have I loved enough? Have I considered Right Action enough, have I come to any conclusions? Have I experienced Read more…

How Quickly Things Change

One of the reasons I love making photographs is the connection that I feel with nature and the seasons. Even when I’m not fond of a season (like winter) I find beauty in it anyway. Tuesday, on an 80 degree late October day I was marveling at the warmth and beauty all around me. Yesterday I took a walk in the park next to our house photographing the ordinary beauty of the late season colors. Today I’m watching the beauty of a snow covered landscape and marveling at How Quickly Things Change in nature and in life. When it’s over, Read more…

Beautiful Contradictions

, This time of year I am filled with so many contradictory feelings about the season. On one hand I see such astonishing beauty, even as more and more of the trees’ leaves fall to the ground,. On the other hand I dread the long months of bare branches and cold weather ahead. I have loved the warm gentle autumn we have had this year. And at the same time it raises my concerns over how quickly climate change is occurring. The more I ponder life, love, and loss the more I believe that life is filled with Beautiful Contradictions Read more…

From Dust to Dust

Here is my third photo and essay for the photo project I recently began working on… From Dust to Dust I spend a lot of time hiking in the woods at a scientific and natural area near where I live. In this remnant of the big woods that once covered a large swath of Minnesota, tall sugar maples, oaks, and basswood trees live. When a tree falls in these woods the DNR leaves the tree where it fell unless it is blocking a hiking path. If necessary they clear the path but leave the rest of the fallen tree where Read more…

So Much Beauty

Yesterday I took a walk in the park that’s right next door and found So much beauty! I didn’t bring my camera with me on that walk, only my phone. And it was enough — no, more than enough. I’ve begun making more photos with my phone than ever before (I got a newer model of iPhone this year). I’m amazed at the quality of the images. Though I love using my Canon R6 Mark II camera, I’m using my phone more and more to make photographs on short walks in the neighborhood and sometimes when I go out in Read more…