Peace Like a River

Yesterday morning I listened to a meditation led by meditation teacher, writer, and psychologist, Tara Brach. In it Ms. Brach asked listeners to hold a hand over their heart and ask themselves, “Why am I meditating? What is it I am seeking today?” My answer to both those questions was simple — peace. I am seeking to experience Peace Like a River in these moments and throughout my day. Initially the words, “Seeking peace,” or “Looking for peace” came to me. But I realized that the idea of being peaceful, and seeking or looking for peace were somewhat antithetical. What Read more…

Creative Play

This morning I happened upon a small notebook of watercolor paintings I made several years ago. And I realized that it has been about three years since I did any watercolor painting. Though I didn’t immediately get out my paint and brushes, I did decide to commit to more time to Creative Play in my life, like painting with watercolors. Today I photographed some of my previous watercolor paintings and then played around with combining those photos with nature photographs that I made recently. Layering a photograph with a photo of a painting that I made, and then playing with Read more…

At the Bird Feeder

Yesterday I saw a fun little interaction between an adult house finch and it’s young At the Bird Feeder outside my office window. The interaction went on long enough for me to pick up my camera with telephoto lens and make this series of images despite the fact that I was talking on the telephone with a photographer friend at the time. (Thanks for your patience, my friend, and for encouraging me that photos of the birds would be fun for others to see.) As an aside, despite all it’s begging I also saw the youngster dipping into the bird Read more…

Heron Daze

Yesterday as I was sitting in my chair by the window that looks out at the pond behind our house I noticed a large bird standing on the log at the edge of the pond. As I sat and watched it in a sort of Heron Daze I was filled with awe, wonder, and joy. I think that I’ve talked before about how seeing birds almost always lifts my spirits. Though I cannot explain why seeing them brings me such joy, it does. I feel my heart lift a bit every time a bird takes flight as if I am Read more…

Waiting Quietly

Last week I spent some time with my granddaughter, introducing her to making photographs with a DSLR camera. We decided to just go out into the yard outside the house where they live. And even there we found amazing beauty Waiting Quietly in plain sight all around us. The further I wake into this life, the more I realize that God is everywhere and the extraordinary is waiting quietly beneath the skin of all that is ordinary. Light is in both the broken bottle and the diamond, and music is in both the flowing violin and the water dripping from Read more…