Love Everything

Early Friday morning I headed out to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum with my camera. It was a perfect morning, cool but not too cool. The early morning raindrops that fell before I arrived had not yet had time to evaporate, so everything was decorated with pristine droplets of rain. All I could think as I went from plant to plant and scene to scene was Love Everything without reserve! So that’s what I did as I wandered and wondered at the beauty of life. The prairie flowers were in bloom and I loved their careless scattering of blossoms here and Read more…

Found Beauty

I took a short walk this morning and saw some exquisite “weeds” along the path. On my way home I decided to pick a few stems of this Found Beauty to photograph. I spent a happy hour photographing and editing photos of my finds. It’s been a full week already and I’m feeling a bit worn out today after a poor night of sleep last night. The vertigo that I’ve been experiencing has continued frequently during the past month and a half. Yesterday was my first appointment with a physical therapist who specializes in vestibular therapy. It was a wild Read more…

Turning Point

It feels to me like time suddenly sped up. The first week of August has come and gone already! We have reached the Turning Point of the summer season and are moving from the height of summer towards the beginning of fall. I can no longer pretend that summer will last forever or that somehow I can stretch these long summer days out to fill more of the year. Instead I take time to remind myself to appreciate these waning summer days. I have a quote and a poem I would like to share with you today. The first, a Read more…

Muskrat Love

I took my Olympus camera with long lens attached along on my walk this morning. And I received a surprise gift when I looked at my photos afterwards. Look closely at the photo above and see if you can see the muskrat near the three ducks on the right of the photo. I was astonished to see it and immediately fell in Muskrat Love thinking about how calmly it posed for my photographs. I had not noticed it when I made the photograph, probably seeing it as just another wood duck in the group of wood ducks. I occasionally see Read more…

The Glad Game

It’s gladiolus  season. And I am playing The Glad Game today, finding all of the ways I can photograph a few stems of these glorious flowers. My mother always grew gladioli in her garden. It was the one flower that she actually planted in the garden, not in the many flower beds around the house. And she loved August when she cut bouquets of gladioli throughout the month. Though her life as a farm wife included long days of hard physical labor cooking, doing laundry, ironing clothes, sewing, cleaning house, canning and preserving food, and many more chores, she always Read more…