Making a Difference

Have you ever felt discouraged because you don’t think you are Making a Difference that matters in the world? I often feel that I should be doing more to create positive change in the world. But then I step back and realize that each of us makes a difference in every little thing we do. Every choice we make, makes a difference one way or another. Sharing a kind word with a clerk in a store, choosing to eat more plant-based foods, smiling at a stranger…who knows what affect our everyday tiny actions have? Ours is not the task of Read more…

Half Moon Morning

This morning on my walk in the neighborhood I could clearly see a half moon hanging in the sky above my head. So I called this morning my Half Moon Morning. The sky was a mix of perfect blue and collections of interesting clouds. And the air was warm, a bit humid, and a little hazy. I had my new camera hanging from a strap around my neck and all was well with my world.  While I knew I had several appointments filling my day, this early morning time was all mine to soak in and enjoy. SELF-PORTRAIT I wish Read more…

Living and Breathing Photography

I spent much of Labor Day Weekend Living and Breathing Photography helping my husband’s cousin buy a new camera (I bought one too!), get started using Adobe Lightroom Classic and Adobe Photoshop, and going out to make a few photos with our new cameras. It was fun, challenging, beautiful, and tiring all at the same time. Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second. ― Marc Riboud I feel a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm for my photographic endeavors. And I can’t wait to go out with my camera again. Happy Labor Day! I hope that Read more…

Garden Love

Last week I visited a friend’s backyard garden for the first time in several years. It’s one of those hidden delights that you don’t expect to find in the city. I visited her garden several years ago but she just keeps adding delightful plants and little statues and other interesting finds. I fell in Garden Love as I wandered through all of her fascinating and beautiful plants. Much of her garden is shaded by towering old oak trees and the view from her deck made me want to spend a day simply gazing out at all the beauty. My friend Read more…

7 Days of River Birch Tree Photos

Today I have completed 7 Days of River Birch Tree Photos in my personal 30 day challenge to photograph the same subject each day for 30 days. Each morning I wonder “How shall I photograph the river birch tree today?” And each morning I pick up my camera and simply look. Then I begin making photographs, not worrying whether I’ve already made a similar photograph. I make many of my photographs of the birch tree through one of the windows of my house. But I have also gone into the backyard and made photographs from various vantage points. And I’ve Read more…