Just Sit the Horse

Quote of the day: Annie: I haven’t ridden Western before.  Tom Booker: Yeah. But he doesn’t know that. Just sit the horse. — The Horse Whisperer   I’ve been working hard on putting together my second photo exhibit.  It has taken me a long while to get going on this exhibit.  From picking the photos I would use, selecting a theme, or planning and sending out information on the opening party, I drug my feet.   In the beginning it felt too big.  I didn’t know where to start.  Just thinking about putting together a new exhibit brought all sorts Read more…

November Photo Exhibit

My second photo exhibit is coming soon (this the last one for quite awhile). I’d love for all my old and new Twin Cities friends to stop by and say “Hi” at my opening Thursday, Nov. 3, 7:00 – 8:30 PM at Dunn Bros Coffee, 66th and York in Edina. Here is a sample of some of the photos included in the exhibit.  If you can’t make it to the opening, the photos will be on exhibit for the entire month of November.

You snooze, you lose

Quote of the day: “The universe is not short on wake-up calls. We’re just quick to hit the snooze button.” — Brene Brown Every day as I attempt to live my life awake, aware, and present to what is, I find the myriad of ways that I’m not awake, aware, or present.  Yesterday, I was ambushed by angry feelings I had been ignoring for too long.  I don’t do anger well.  In fact, I avoid angry scenes at all costs and I even fool myself into thinking that I’m not angry when I am.  If all else fails, I turn Read more…


Embracing my desire to name myself a photographer, live a different life then the one I led before and put my art out there for the world to see has given me a much greater understanding of vulnerability.  The vulnerability of showing up as myself, doing the work, and putting it out there scares the hell out of me.  The not knowing and letting go of control sets off every all sorts of alarms in my monkey-mind.  And then I start feeling disconnected and down and start questioning myself and my life choices.  Fortunately, each time I get to the Read more…

There are no do-overs

Quote of the day: “Note to myself: there are no do-overs in life.” — Me   The two photos above were taken at the same spot a little less than a year apart.  The first one was taken in the evening during a light rain.  I loved the sinuous curves that the land and shadows created and wanted to go back and try to capture it again in better light.  I re-learned what I have known all along, that there are no do-overs.  Everything changes.  Nothing stays the same. The lake level was higher this year than last year, so Read more…