Simple Joy

Quote of the day:  “We have been given a gift that is really, really precious. Its simple. It isn’t going to get us anything. It isn’t there to augment anything. Its there for us to be able to experience something that is within ourselves. It is not there to change our religions, our practices, our daily lives. But it is only there for one reason, for one reason alone.  Simple happiness. Simple joy.” ~Maharaji Life is a gift.  Even in the midst of sorrow, there is joy.  Simple joy. Sometimes sweet, sometimes bittersweet.  I believe in savoring joy, seeking it Read more…

Hawaiian Memories

Quote of the day: “Hawaii is not a state of mind, but a state of grace.” ~Paul Theroux In March 2011 I spent 11 days on the big island of Hawaii at a wonderful place called Akiko’s Buddhist Bed and Breakfast (Akiko’s website here).  Now that Minneapolis is feeling more like a normal winter, I’m dreaming of Hawaiian warmth and the spirit of Aloha.  Here are a few photos from my trip there. It makes me smile just to look at them again and remember. May your day be filled with Aloha and gratitude.

Entering the Stillness

Quote of the day: “Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance.”  ~Morgan Freeman As I approach the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012, I am taking time to enter the stillness — to listen, to be, to enter the deep silence.  Time enough to DO when the year is new. Now is the time for creating a space, for out of the darkness and silence come new life and creativity. I’m taking a short break from posting on my blog to embrace the stillness and to Read more…