Wonder upon wonder upon wonder!

Quote of the day: “The meaning I picked, the one that changed my life: Overcome fear, behold wonder.” ~ Richard Bach   Yesterday the mercury topped 50 degrees in Minnesota, on January 10!  The day was so beautiful and sunny and mild that I had to get out and walk in the sunshine.  One of my favorite places is the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.  No matter what the season, there is beauty and wonder.  The Japanese Garden especially captivated me with it’s shapes and spaces yesterday.  Wonder upon wonder upon wonder. May your day be filled with wonder.


Quote of the day: “When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.” ~Mohandas Gandhi Gorgeous full moon last night!  After I got home from my evening meeting, I grabbed my tripod and camera and went outside and played with photographing the moon.  The weather was unseasonably mild and the moonlight was magical.  I learned that the secret to photos where you can see the features of the moon is to set your camera on manual and play with the exposure.  I kept shortening the shutter Read more…

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

Quote of the day: “Slipping on my shoes, boiling water, toasting bread, buttering the sky: that should be enough contact with God in one day to make anyone crazy.” ~Hafiz I woke up this morning (thank you) in my nice warm, comfortable bed (thank you, thank you) in my nice warm house (thank you) with hot and cold running water (thank you, thank you), Gracie the cat (thank you), my husband Jon (thank you), legs and hands and body that move and do what I want (thank you, thank you)…  you get the picture.  Everything is a gift, every moment Read more…

Savoring Glimmers of Grace

Quote of the day: “The winds of God’s grace are always blowing, it is for us to raise our sails.” ~Ramakrishna This morning as I looked out the window I saw frost on the rooftop across the street and on the mailbox in front of our house.  Quick as a flash, I threw on a pair of pants, my boots, and a coat, grabbed my camera and captured these glimmers of grace early in the morning. What glimmers of grace are blowing through your life today?  They’re there if you look for them.  The more I “raise my sails”, the Read more…