Texture Play – Passion Play

Quote of the day: “Passion will always move you in the direction of your authentic self.” —Danielle LaPorte This week I have been passionate about playing with photography with no specific outcome in mind. Just playing. In the process of playing I’ve learned a lot. That’s the funny thing about play—animals and children play because it’s what comes naturally—and  play is an important mechanism for learning. So, I say, “Play away!” Look for where you feel passion in your life and use that to move you into your authentic self, your authentic life. A life of integrity is a life where Read more…

Photo play – HDR

Quote of the day: “Your curiosity is your growth point. Always.” —Danielle LaPorte I had a little flu bug today and didn’t feel like doing a lot. But I wanted to play with my camera and make some photos. I’ve wanted to try making HDR photographs for a long time and today I felt like playing with them and learning how to make them using Photoshop. It was totally play for me and so much fun. I made a series of photos (using a tripod) of things I found around the house at different exposures. Then I got out my  Photoshop book: Read more…

Making it Happen

Quote of the day from Danielle LaPorte’s wonderful Fire Starter Sessions: A Credo for Making it Happen “I’ll figure it out” is the mantra of choice. Accordingly, this buzz kill must be stricken from the lexicon: “I just don’t know what to do.” If you’ve never done it before remember that everything you’ve ever done or has happened to you in your entire life and the history of human kind has brought you to this point—that’s a whole lot of life force on your side. … and more in her book I’ve been reading Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Read more…

Listening to my body—following my heart

Quote of the day:  “Pain is like a life coach in your body. It’s what made me a life coach because I started paying a lot of attention to what made me hurt and what didn’t. It turned out my body was trying to steer me away from a life that was absolutely wrong for me and into a life that was absolutely wonderful.” —Martha Beck If you’ve been reading my blog, you may know that I’ve struggled with fibromyalgia-like issues for many years. When I was working as a software engineer, it seemed that no matter what I did, my Read more…

Letting go of regrets for broken things, broken dreams

Quote of the day: “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” —Leonard Cohen For the past two days I’ve been unpacking beautiful glass things that belonged to my mother-in-law. Since my husband was the sole remaining son, we inherited all of her things when she died, including a LOT of beautiful glasses, cups, stemware, you name it. We packed a lot of her special things up and left them in the garage, thinking that we could do something with them the next summer. Many summers later, I decided it was time to sort through things, give them Read more…