Join Me

There’s still time to register for the November 1 start of the Making Photographs class I’m teaching at the Minnetonka Center for the Arts. Join Me for seven weeks of going deeper with your photographic practice. I’d like us to explore creating work that expresses each photographer’s unique vision and style. Each week I’ll give a prompt for the coming week’s class. We’ll bring new photos that we’ve made and share ideas and constructive criticism on how to expand each photographer’s vision. You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the Read more…

Signs and Portents

I’ve heard a lot of people wondering what the coming months will bring both weather-wise and for the people of this beautiful world we inhabit. As wars and weather wreak havoc it is totally understandable to be concerned. But if you’re looking for Signs and Portents of what is to come, I think you are looking in the wrong direction. All any of us can do is to live fully in each moment. We can pray and hope and think all we want but in the end what matters most is action or inaction. What one small thing can I Read more…

Return to Presence

I listened to a short video by Elizabeth Gilbert today. In it she described a really easy exercise that can help you Return to Presence. She called the exercise “5-4-3-2-1” and it’s super simple to do. Simply stop and name 5 things you can see 4 things you can hear 3 things you can feel 2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste I ready myself to try this exercise, take a deep breath and look around. I see… my hands on my computer keyboard my neighbor across the street raking up leaves in her front yard a Read more…

Half Moon Rising

On my walk this morning I caught a glimpse of a Half Moon Rising beautifully hanging high in the morning sky. Lately I’ve been fascinated with the pale moon when it traverses the day-lit sky. It seems a graceful gift to look up at the blue sky and see the shadowy silvery moon above. Seeing the shy light of the pale half moon reminds me to slow down and breathe, noticing the in-breath and the out-breath, relaxing into the perfection of the moment. Walk Slowly It only takes a reminder to breathe, a moment to be still, and just like Read more…

Leaf Peeping

Earlier this week we went for a day trip north to Banning State Park and then on to Jay Cooke State Park south of Duluth, MN. It was a great time for Leaf Peeping in the north woods that I love so well. The colors at Banning State Park were gorgeous. And walking in the woods there was such a treat. The weather was perfect with clouds scudding by and sun peeking out in between the clouds. Yesterday we had lunch with my husband’s 90-year-old aunt and uncle and two of his cousins. It was a gift to be able Read more…