Everything Changes

As I gazed out the window at the reflections in the pond this morning I could see how quickly Everything Changes this time of year. A slight breeze made all of the reflections on the pond look soft and blurry this morning. The blurriness felt perfect to express how it feels like we went from green leaves to spectacular technicolor landscapes to empty branches in the blink of an eye. Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.    — Henry David Thoreau The tree Read more…

Savor Everything

With the rain this week and the weather turning colder here in Minnesota, the beautiful color of the past week is quickly fading. The cottonwood tree in our backyard is completely bare now and the river birch is on it’s way to bare. Still, I plan to Savor Everything even the bits I usually don’t enjoy. Life is short and my life is filled with countless blessings every single day. As I listen to the news of our country and our world, I am reminded of just how privileged I am. Savoring each moment and counting blessings is the least Read more…

Sumac Leaves

There are several patches of sumac that grow beside streets in our neighborhood. Today I noticed many different variations of coloration on the sumac leaves in one of those patches. So I parked the car, got out with my camera and wandered on the side of the street photographing the gorgeous shapes and colors of Sumac Leaves There were places where the leaves reminded me of prayer flags flapping in the wind… Earth’s crammed with heaven.– Elizabeth Barrett Browning And others that reminded me of butterfly wings floating through the air… There is just wonder right in front of us, Read more…

Leaning into the Light

The fall season has finally turned here in the Minneapolis area. The colors are astonishing. Leaves rain down whenever a breeze passes by. Everywhere I look I am astonished with the beauty of it all. I find myself Leaning into the Light of this short span of magnificent days of color and brightness. My soul wants to store up memories of these days and pull them out one by one as the colors fade and the world turns towards shades of brown, gray, and white.  We went for a drive mid-week along County Road 6 towards Long Lake and then Read more…

Big Woods Beauty

Yesterday I headed out to Wolsfeld Woods SNA to check out the autumn Big Woods Beauty of this remnant of the Big Woods that once covered a large part of Minnesota. It was magnificent! I kept craning my head up to look at the tops of the tall sugar maple trees above. And it simply filled me with awe. I’ve been hiking in these woods for over 25 years and I never tire of their breathtaking beauty, especially this time of year. To me, this is God’s cathedral, ineffable, sacred, beyond words. I feel a sense of benevolence in the Read more…