My Favorite Photos 2023

Each year I pick my favorite 12 photos of the year. And as I often do, this year I found it a challenge to narrow my picks to just 12 photos. In fact, today I removed several from the collection and added other photos to replace them and then took more out and replaced them. But I finally settled on my favorites. So here they are… My Favorite Photos of 2023 – Ta Da! The photos I picked are not all technically my best work. But they speak to me in some way. And probably many of them would not Read more…

Every Moment Matters

Noticing how the light changes during the day I’ve been thinking lately that Every Moment Matters no matter how mundane. Yesterday as I entered the kitchen in mid-afternoon I noticed golden light illuminating my slightly messy tea-making spot in the kitchen. So I made a photograph of the scene. You can see the smudges on the metal of the electric water heating pot, a used teabag, small jar of tea leaves, a jar of honey, and an empty water bottle along with my basket of kitchen cleanup rags. It’s certainly not a perfectly staged photograph, but it’s real life in Read more…

Play, Curiosity, and Love

This time of year I search for photographic subjects. When I don’t feel like photographing bare trees and drying leaves I often pick up a bunch of flowers to photograph. It’s all about Play, Curiosity, and Love with a bit of learning mixed in. What can I do with this bouquet of flowers together and individually? How can I play with light? And what happens if I zoom my lens while making the photograph? Can I create an impressionistic rendition of the flowers? How close is too close? And so on…it’s a simple bit of play, curiosity, and love. Live Read more…

Darkness Rising

This time of year the dark arrives early and doesn’t leave until almost 8 am. There is only a little more than a week left before solstice. And then the days begin to lengthen once again. At this season of the year, darkness is a more insistent thing than cold. The days are short as any dream. ― E.B. White, Essays of E.B. White But right now it’s still the time of Darkness Rising here and perhaps in the world as well. This week I came across an article about economist, E. F. Schumacher that took me back in time. Read more…