Twenty-one Days of Amaryllis Photos

My love for amaryllis flowers began accidentally several years ago when I found some amaryllis bulbs encased in red wax at Trader Joe’s. The bulbs had all they needed to grow and bloom the tag said, no messy pot or regular watering needed. So I bought one bulb and brought it home. It grew and bloomed. I began photographing its flowers and fell in love with them. That was it for me. I was hooked on these dramatic long lasting flowers. This year I bought two new amaryllis bulbs, planted them in late November and waited. The wait led me Read more…

Let It Be

Yesterday I had an hour session with the physical therapist I’ve been working with for almost a year. She has been magic-ing my body out of old old pain patterns and helping me to move with more ease. I’ve made more progress working with her than I imagined possible. Yesterday we worked on my letting go of muscle tension and relaxing into the breath. She had me lie on my right side with a soft ball under my rib cage and then told me to do nothing, simply breathe in and focus on letting go on the out breath. “Don’t Read more…

What a World

When I contemplate everything that is going on in the world in these times sometimes I feel like throwing up my hands and saying What a World, what a world! Focusing for too long on all of the troubles and tribulations in the world can be overwhelming. Yet I feel that it is necessary to witness and to seek to understand what is going on. Yesterday I met with a group of artist friends and instead of talking about art, at first, we spent a lot of time talking about the state of the world and of how overwhelming it Read more…

A Beautiful Love Letter to the World

As my amaryllis flowers gift me with their beautiful blooms, winter feels like it has finally arrived in Minnesota. It’s bitterly cold outside today. And I am grateful that we’ve once again escaped the heavy snow that fell south and east of us. It’s great weather for curling up with a good book or for photographing amaryllis flowers. I am currently reading Margaret Renkl’s The Comfort of Crows: A Backyard Year, and loving her beautiful essays on nature unfolding in her backyard. Her descriptions of the beauty of the world around her feel like A Beautiful Love Letter to the Read more…

Yes, And…

In meditation, you are encouraged to come back to the breath when you notice that you have drifted into thinking. I used to I say to myself, “Forgiven” when I noticed that I was no longer centered in the present moment (because for a long time I was so hard on myself for not being perfect). But that no longer works for me during meditation because I have (finally!) moved to a place where I feel there is nothing to forgive. Of course thinking happens and my mind drifts into old patterns. That’s why I meditate. Yesterday I noticed that Read more…