Extraordinary and Beautiful

  It’s March and that means that I can find bunches of ranunculus flowers at some of the local markets. They are one of my favorite flowers, full of layers and layers of papery textured leaves and dark textured centers. I find them both Extraordinary and Beautiful in all stages of their short lives. Today was my fourth day of photographing these beauties. And I will probably continue to work with them for a few more days. I love photographing ranunculus flowers and never seem to tire of them. Their curving irregular stems and feathery leaves give them a beautiful Read more…

Hello Snow! Hello beauty!

Looking out my windows this morning towards the pond I saw such beauty. The ground was covered with snow and snow still clung to tree branches and covered the neighbor’s small pine tree. All I can say is Hello Snow! Hello Beauty! I’m grateful for the mild winter we have had and today I am thankful for the much needed moisture last night’s snow brought to our parched ground. Though I would have been happy with rain, this beautiful snow-covered landscape also brightened my mood today. I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them Read more…

Lake Walk

Finding beauty this time of year in Minnesota can be challenging, particularly this year with the strangely mild and snow-free winter that we had. Still I found beauty in small things on my Lake Walk last week. We live very close to Medicine Lake. And while the lake is in the middle of the suburbs now, at one time it was surrounded by small cabins that were summer getaways. Very few of those tiny cabins remain. Instead there are a lot of large homes overlooking the lake with signs that proclaim “Private Property” beside any docks or lake-front access. Sometimes Read more…

What a Beautiful World!

Do you ever take a walk outside and think about the beauty all around you? Since I became a photographer I spend my days looking for and seeing beauty almost everywhere I go. For me, picking up a camera and looking at the world through its viewfinder is a recipe for seeing beauty. My heart sings and I want to shout What a Beautiful World! I never expected that becoming a photographer would change the way I see the world. But it did! Now I look closely at everything around me and I see grace, color, light, symmetry, and more. Read more…

The Little Inner Voice of Wisdom

On a mild March day earlier this week I spent some time in a tiny greenhouse at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. It was steamy and warm inside and I enjoyed seeing all of the succulents that grew there. I almost walked by this little gem of a greenhouse without going in. Not only have I seen it every time I visit the Arboretum, but I’ve walked by without entering or even being curious about going inside time and time again. On Wednesday morning I was looking for signs of spring to photograph. This greenhouse was not a place to see Read more…