Seeking Grace

Yesterday afternoon I took a late August walk in the woods. I was Seeking Grace and solace after hearing that a friend’s husband died unexpectedly this week. As I walked I soaked in the quiet humid beauty of this unusually rainy summer in Minnesota. Though the leaves may be a bit lusher than usual some of them are already turning fall colors. And many leaves are looking tattered and torn by life’s vicissitudes. After experiencing several losses in the past year (my cat Gracie in late December, a dear friend in February, my cousin’s husband died suddenly in May, and Read more…

As Summer Wanes

In the heat and humidity of late summer the pond behind our house has grown a kind of sludge that covers its surface. But still I find beauty in its colors and reflections. As Summer Wanes and heat and humidity still reign I was surprised to see painted turtles sunning on the log at the edge of the pond this morning. I would think that they might be seeking to escape the heat rather than bask in it. This morning I went to my fairly new (today was my third time attending) weekly BAPS (Balance, Agility, Power and Strength) class. Read more…

The Pause Under Everything

When I breathe in and out mindfully I notice that there is a pause at the end of the out breath. It feels like infinity to me, or perhaps The Pause Under Everything… mortal and immortal, real and unreal, known and unknown. During this pause I experience a letting go of effort. It is enough just to be present in this sliver of a moment between breaths. There is a pause under everything that, if entered, will unravel the knot in your heart. — Mark Nepo It is for moments like this pause that I practice meditation. There is an Read more…

Pause and Reflect

This is a good time of year to take time to Pause and Reflect before heading into new endeavors. Despite the fact that it’s been decades since I went back to school in September, I still have a feeling of possibility and opening when September arrives. It’s as if I might discover some new possibilities unfolding. I am tempted to jump into many new things just because I can. But instead I am stepping back and reflecting on what I want to create in the next months and how best to do that. Today, after a full week I am Read more…

Savoring Summertime

The Minnesota State Fair starts tomorrow. This event always signals the end of summer to me. It ends on Labor Day and typically school starts in many local schools the day after Labor Day. I always feel as if fall begins after Labor Day with all of the new activities that begin then. Our grandchildren are marking off another year in their rapid growing up, one will be a senior in high school, the other a sophomore. Tomorrow I’m heading over to their house to take senior photographs for my grandson.  It has been an amazingly beautiful summer here in Read more…