Turtle Dreams

As the summer turns towards fall the painted turtles are gathering on the log at the edge of the pond to soak up summer’s last rays of sunlight. Before long they will be burrowing in the mud at the bottom of the pond sleeping through the cold months of winter. Thinking about their long months in the mud makes me wonder about Turtle Dreams Do they dream, I wonder? If they dream, do they dream of basking in the warmth of the sun on the log at the edge of the pond? And do they feel the cold of winter Read more…

Pond Life

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Pond Life, pond water, and the pond behind our house. With all it’s teaming life, it is somewhat like a giant petri dish of emerging life. From the smallest microbe to the huge snapping turtles who live in its depths, life abounds in and around it. So many birds, frogs, turtles and insects make a home there, or spend time there at various times of year. All things are meltable and replacable. Not at this moment, but soon enough, we are lambs and we are leaves, and we are stars, and the shining Read more…

Almost September

It’s hard to believe that it is Almost September already. The summer days seem to fly by so quickly and then before you know it we are turning the corner into fall. I’ve been noticing the shorter day length and even taking advantage of the fact that I don’t need to stay out quite so late or get up so early to make photographs in the beginning and end of day light. Earlier this week I celebrated an overcast morning by spending time making photographs at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Cloud covered mornings make a kind of softbox of the Read more…

Seeking Grace

Yesterday afternoon I took a late August walk in the woods. I was Seeking Grace and solace after hearing that a friend’s husband died unexpectedly this week. As I walked I soaked in the quiet humid beauty of this unusually rainy summer in Minnesota. Though the leaves may be a bit lusher than usual some of them are already turning fall colors. And many leaves are looking tattered and torn by life’s vicissitudes. After experiencing several losses in the past year (my cat Gracie in late December, a dear friend in February, my cousin’s husband died suddenly in May, and Read more…

As Summer Wanes

In the heat and humidity of late summer the pond behind our house has grown a kind of sludge that covers its surface. But still I find beauty in its colors and reflections. As Summer Wanes and heat and humidity still reign I was surprised to see painted turtles sunning on the log at the edge of the pond this morning. I would think that they might be seeking to escape the heat rather than bask in it. This morning I went to my fairly new (today was my third time attending) weekly BAPS (Balance, Agility, Power and Strength) class. Read more…