The basswood tree that hangs over our deck is in glorious full bloom. And the sweet subtle scent of basswood flowers wafts through the air. Last evening I opened the living room window that faces the deck. As I sat and read in my chair beside the window the soft scent of basswood flowers filled my senses. And I thought to myself, all I want is

To Be of Wildflowers, Summer, and Swallows

swooping and dancing through the air. I want to soak in this sense of endless summer watching the trumpeter swan family grow and thrive, seeing the swallows at the lake swoop and dive, and inhale the scent of wildflowers and tree blossoms. Each day I want to fill my senses with the color green and the beauty of wild things growing.

Of Wildflowers

When I was young,
I heard so much
about being
a child/man/woman
of God but then I grew
up and all I ever wanted
was to be of wildflowers,
of willow, toad, and bone,
of swallowtails, sow thistle
and cedar, of birds.
— Joy Sullivan

While I can, I intend to soak in the splendor of being alive each moment. This week I photographed ordinary scenes that I see on my neighborhood walks. But I felt like I was seeing their inner beauty and even ordinary scenes seemed infused with magic and grace.

Are you also enjoying this beautiful time of year and soaking in the beauty of life? Do you also want to be of wildflowers, summer, and swallows?

May you walk in beauty.

View of the pond behind our house from the other side – you can see part of our house through the trees.



Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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