We’ve had a string of beautiful days this spring and today is another beauty of a day. As I contemplate the beauty all around me and the lovely day this is I can’t help but give thanks for

The Gift of Another Day.

The peony plants next to our driveway are in bloom. Three beautiful peony plants were here when we moved in, a beautiful surprise our first spring living here. Every spring I fall in love all over again with their luscious pink blooms. Each peony bush has slightly different flowers but they are all pink, and I can’t say that there is one I love more than the others.

Yesterday we had a family lunch/game day at our house. What a lovely way to spend a beautiful day. We played Zar, a crazy card game, that makes us all laugh so much, and we sat and talked with one another. I feel so blessed to have these times together.

Something precious is lost if we rush headlong into the details of life without pausing for a moment to pay homage to the mystery of life and the gift of another day.
Kent Nerburn

How often do you pause, notice the blessings and gifts of your day, and give thanks? I believe that a big part of choosing joy is noticing all of the small things that are blessings and gifts in your daily life.

Last evening I went looking for the trumpeter swan family I had discovered earlier this spring at Lake Camelot Park. It turns out that the swan family had decamped, and moved to a nearby pond. Luckily some other hikers told me where I might find them. I went and looked and could see them settled down for the night, but they were shielded by cattails and quite far away.

It’s only been a little over a week since I walked at Lake Camelot Park but the cattails have exploded into a sea of green around the lake. I saw a female wood duck with two mid-sized ducklings some distance away but could not get close enough with the tall cattails shielding them from view, to get a closeup photo.

On my walk at Lake Camelot I saw a little chipmunk near the trail. With the dappled sunlight on the ground and chipmunk, it was well camouflaged.

I like to slow down and notice these tiny scenes of animals in nature. It brings me joy. This morning there was a new family of mallard ducklings at the edge of the pond. I wasn’t able to count the ducklings but saw two for sure. They spent some time resting under the female mallard’s wings in the grass beside the pond. Then they swam away. I wonder if I will see them again.

What is needed is only a pausing of the heart so the spirit can take wing and be lifted toward the infinite.
   ― Kent Nerburn, Small Graces: The Quiet Gifts of Everyday Life

I hope you too, find you are grateful for the gift of another day today. May this day lift you so that your spirit can take wing.

Our day is but a path we tread, a gentle walk among possibilities.

   ― Kent Nerburn, Small Graces: The Quiet Gifts of Everyday Life

 May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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