The trumpeter swan cygnets at Lake Camelot Park hatched yesterday. I went to the park without my camera yesterday (of course, just my luck) thinking that I wanted to walk around the entire lake.

When I arrived at the park yesterday I saw a gathering of people on the boardwalk near the swan nest with cameras in hand. And I was able to see the newly hatched cygnets. What a gift!

First look at the cygnets in the nest (iPhone photograph)

Today I went back to the park after the morning rain ended. And this time I took my camera and long lens plus lens extender. I found the swan family out for a swim, still close enough to photograph with my long lens. So today I’m happy to share

Swan Songs and Other Nature Notes

with you.

In my own backyard the mallard family ducklings are becoming adolescents. They are growing everyday and beginning to fledge. Every day they spend quite a lot of time in the grass in our backyard at the edge of the pond so I get to watch them as they preen, search for food, and rest there.

On my walk around the lake yesterday I was delighted by swallows swooping here and there across and near the boardwalk where I was walking. They even perched on the wires at the edge of the boardwalk and let me get quite close before flying off.

I love watching these beautiful birds swoop and swirl above the water, catching insects. They are magnificent flyers, even flying confidently between the bottom of the boardwalk and the top of the lake.

The lake is now almost completely covered with water lily leaves. I was astonished at how quickly they grew. There is a kind of yellow water lily already in bloom. I am looking forward to making many photos of the water lilies and other inhabitants that live in and around the lake.

A swallow swoops down near the Trumpeter Swan family (upper left corner of image), yellow water lily flowers (middle left of image)

There are numerous red-winged blackbirds with nests in the cattails that surround the lake. This morning one came flying towards me at just the right time for a photo. I didn’t quite have a high enough speed to get a sharp image, but I still love the outspread colorful wings. My heart leaps a little bit in joy each time I see a bird soaring near me.

The Power of Awe and Wonder

I found a part of a red winged blackbird egg shell on the boardwalk this morning. It is such a fragile beautiful thing. Their babies must be hatching now also. Though I wonder how this partial egg shell ended up on the boardwalk.

Wonder, curiosity, awe—such gifts they bring to me and everyone. When was the last time you sought out experiences that brought you wonder and awe?

The greens of the leaves and wetness from the early morning rain was absolutely beautiful, almost glowing in the soft morning light.

When I returned home this morning I found a dragonfly perched on the edge of the garage door trim in front of our house. It did not move at all as I took my time making several photographs of it.

All in all it felt like quite a magical morning.

This world of our is full of ordinary miracles, beauty, wonder, and delight if you simply slow down a bit and pay attention.

Wonder, the mental state of openness, questioning, curiosity, and embracing mystery, arises out of experiences of awe. In our studies, people who find more everyday awe show evidence of living with wonder. They are more open to new ideas. To what is unknown. To what language can’t describe. To the absurd. To seeking new knowledge. To experience itself, for example of sound, or color, or bodily sensation, or the directions thought might take during dreams or meditation. To the strengths and virtues of other people. It should not surprise that people who feel even five minutes a day of everyday awe are more curious about art, music, poetry, new scientific discoveries, philosophy, and questions about life and death. They feel more comfortable with mysteries, with that which cannot be explained.”
Dacher Keltner, Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life

Wishing you a wonder and awe filled Memorial Day weekend.

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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