How quickly nature turns from summer back to spring back to winter! Is this (as I hope) just
A Blip in Spring?
Remember this photo from yesterday’s blog post where everything was greening?
It looks quite different this morning. But it is beautiful, none the less.
And remember my spring melt series that I thought I was done with?
The backyard is covered with white again. But I noticed that I can still see the tips of the growing grass through the snow this morning. Though I am disappointed in this slight detour away from spring I am also allowing myself to soak in the beauty of it all and to feel wonder and awe.
No matter the day is already planned
to the minute. No matter how pressing
the deadline, the must do, the should.
It takes only a second to look out the windowand see the brown bunny in the brown grass.
It takes only a second to fall in love
with the twitchy nose, the nervous eyes,
the lumpy shape of bunny.How quickly the known world cants toward awe
when wonder slips in—wonder forged
not from epiphany or greatness
but from the barest instant of meeting what is real.— Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
Wishing you a week filled with wonder and awe.
May you walk in beauty.

Maybe we should have waited to set up the deck swing. (I just noticed a cardinal in this photo in the trees beyond the deck-near the deck railing.)