Some days I have no words or ideas to share. I am simply focused on being present, feeling full and


in these green-filled days of mid-summer.

If I pay close attention to each moment perhaps I can stretch out this short string of halcyon summer days and fill myself with enough warmth, green, beauty, and joy to sustain me through our long Minnesota winter.

Your Full Expression
Stretch long and longer
still. Reach wide until
the expanding space
inside is filled with
light. What began as
willful practice now
generates its own energy.

Offer this, the radiance
of you, back to the
universe. The give and
take of breath calls forth
your full expression,
birthing something new,
something crucial, that
no posture can contain

   — Danna Faulds, Limitless

Stretching, Sensing…

Being fully present in all of my senses, soaking in wonderment and grace.

Yesterday I picked a small bowl of black raspberries in my backyard. I ate them slowly, one by one, savoring their sweet juicy flavor. Though they were few, when I finished eating them I felt replete and totally satisfied.

This moment is a
rosebud, and I am
at the center of
the bloom. Petals
open one by one
until I am in full
sun, tickled by
the tongues of
   — Danna Faulds

What can be more perfect?

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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