All night last night I woke up again and again from rambling dreams. Some of them were happy, others not so happy.
In the lonely dark of the long night, I wondered what was real, and what the dreams meant as my mind played them over and over again.
I woke up from a final dream in the wee hours of the morning, and my mind could not let it go. Ideas ran like hamsters on a never ending exercise wheel in my mind. Finally I gave up trying to go back to sleep and got up and read.
All night
the dark buds of dreams
richly.In the center
of every petal
is a letter,
and you imagineif you could only
and string them all
they would spell
the answer.”
― Dream Work
So today I’m feeling a bit tired and worn down, frazzled and frayed at the edges.
Looking out at the gray day punctuated by white snow covered ground outside, I’m wishing I could go somewhere to spend time with friends or to hear some music or even go to a fitness center to work out. But my caution for myself and others keeps me mostly isolating and only doing necessary activities outside my home.
This pandemic isolated masked life feels a little like my dreams last night — a never-ending dreamscape filled with waking dreams and a few nightmares.
Hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow and dissipate my gloominess.
Wishing you happy dreams, contentment, and sunny warmer days ahead.
May you walk in beauty.
Bookcollector Karen Davidson · January 29, 2022 at 1:40 am
Beautiful images!
Marilyn · January 30, 2022 at 5:08 pm
Thanks Karen. They are some that I made during the past year.