I wasn’t planning to write a blog post today but then we had this lovely surprise fox visitor in the backyard today and I couldn’t resist sharing the photos with you.
Surprise Visitor — Fox!
I won’t write much as I want to take a walk and make some preparations for family game day tomorrow at our house. But here’s a poem by Mary Oliver to think about while you look at the fox photos.
Straight Talk From Fox
Listen says fox it is music to runover the hills to lickdew from the leaves to nose alongthe edges of the ponds to smell the fatducks in their bright feathers butfar out, safe in their rafts ofsleep. It is likemusic to visit the orchard, to findthe vole sucking the sweet of the apple, or therabbit with his fast-beating heart. Death itselfis a music. Nobody has ever come close towriting it down, awake or in a dream. It cannotbe told. It is flesh and boneschanging shape and with good cause, mercyis a little child beside such an invention. It ismusic to wander the black back roadsoutside of town no one awake or wonderingif anything miraculous is ever going tohappen, totally dumb to the fact of everymoment’s miracle. Don’t think I haven’tpeeked into windows. I see you in all your seasonsmaking love, arguing, talking about Godas if he were an idea instead of the grass,instead of the stars, the rabbit caughtin one good teeth-whacking hit and broughthome to the den. What I am, and I know it, isresponsible, joyful, thankful. I would notgive my life for a thousand of yours.— Mary Oliver
May you walk in beauty