This morning I got up early to take my walk before the heat arrived. While I walked I thought about the…
Breath of Life
Trees breathe in air through the pores of their leaves, use carbon dioxide from the air and exhale oxygen. Humans and animals breathe in air and use oxygen from the air and exhale carbon dioxide. Isn’t it amazing that on this beautiful blue planet life has managed to appear and evolve into all the beauty that surrounds us!
We have the things necessary to support life as we know it. But because of the hubris of our species, we risk destroying or damaging much of the life here on earth because we are causing climate change. Each of us needs to consider how our personal actions contribute to climate change AND we need to speak out for and support systemic changes that can only happen when we join together to demand that corporations and governments act with greater responsibility and vision.
I am BreathingBreathing just a littlelife flowswithout thoughtof each moment passingawaydraining into the nextevery drop of anticipationsucked dryof life’s rich bountyunfoldingin the unexpected joyof being alive.Breathing togetherof all thingsI find myselfawakenedrevelling in every dropof anticipationdripping wet in the ripe, rich fruitof lifeflowingeffortlesslyinto the unexpected joyof being alive.— Mary Oliver