Make a Joyful Noise!
When I sat down to paint today I felt like making a joyful noise. This is my joyful noise.
Using ideas from the book Paint Yourself Calm: Colourful, Creative Mindfulness Through Watercolour by Jean Haines, I totally let go of needing to make my painting look like anything in particular and played with pure fresh color from the watercolor tubes. Water and salt added to the magic.
I love the freedom of using these intense colors along with freely dropping in large areas of bright color. It felt to me like the colors chose themselves. Part of the joy of it was the way that flowing water transformed my brush strokes and caused unplanned color mixes. It was very freeing to work swiftly and exuberantly. Making this painting took less than 10 minutes but it was such a fun 10 minutes!
Looking at it makes my heart go zing!
How can you follow your joy today and make a joyful noise?
Unfettered creativity is the movement and flow, the fizz and grace of the Sacred in you. — Hiro Boga
When you choose joy you are not being selfish. You are bringing more joy into the world.
“The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention.”— Julia Margaret Cameron