Photos from my neighborhood walk today (taken with iPhone) — lilacs, lady bugs, evergreens, ferns, and flowers.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” — Matthew 7:7
Feeding the Soul
Pay attention.
Seek beauty.
Feel gratitude.
Listen to joy.
I am feeling totally filled up by a short 25 minute walk in my neighborhood.
Moving my body, seeing beauty all around, feeling the soft breeze on my skin, touching flowers and leaves, smelling the soft scent of lilacs in the air, and watching maple seeds whirl and helicopter to the ground filled my soul to the brim with joy and delight.
I am doubly grateful because I am feeling better physically and am able to move and take my neighborhood walks once more.
Acceptance, listening to my body, seeking help (shiatsu and physical therapy), and noticing beauty are all the medicine I need.
What fills you up? When was the last time you carved out time to feed your soul?
May you walk in beauty.