The Daily Good home page snippet

The Daily Good home page snippet

Dedicated to Doing Good

TheDailyGood is a website dedicated to “bringing news that inspires.” I stumbled upon this website recently and love it. Not only are the daily posts wide-ranging and well-written but it also features links to popular syndicated stories.

What a wonderful website! The most recent posts include:

  • Six Pillars of the Wholehearted Life featuring Parker Palmer sharing “one of the best commencement speeches of all time.” If you are not familiar with Parker Palmer, you’re in for a treat. Palmer is a writer, teacher, and activist whose work speaks deeply to people in all walks of life. He is a frequent contributor to the blog and author of many books including A Hidden Wholeness and Courage to Teach.
  • Slowness is an Act of Resistance written by Rebecca Solnit, a writer, historian, and activist.
  • The Power of the Gift Culture
  • Two Little Pieces of Chocolate
  • Peter Kalmus: The Question of Progress
  • Jane Kenyon’s Advice on Writing & Life

Be reckless when it comes to affairs of the heart.


What I really mean … is be passionate, fall madly in love with life. Be passionate about some part of the natural and/or human worlds and take risks on its behalf, no matter how vulnerable they make you. No one ever died saying, “I’m sure glad for the self-centered, self-serving and self-protective life I lived.”

Offer yourself to the world — your energies, your gifts, your visions, your heart — with open-hearted generosity. But understand that when you live that way you will soon learn how little you know and how easy it is to fail.

To grow in love and service, you — I, all of us — must value ignorance as much as knowledge and failure as much as success… Clinging to what you already know and do well is the path to an unlived life. So, cultivate beginner’s mind, walk straight into your not-knowing, and take the risk of failing and falling again and again, then getting up again and again to learn — that’s the path to a life lived large, in service of love, truth, and justice.

— Parker Palmer in Six Pillars of the Wholehearted Life on

Reading this blog is a good way to experience a daily dose of inspiration.

May you walk in beauty.

Smile at a stranger today!

Smile at a stranger today!


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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