In past years I have done a personal gratitude project where I committed to myself to photograph at least one thing each day that I was grateful for during the month of November.
This year I plan to commit to a 30-day practice during November but I’ve decided it will be slightly different. Each day for 30 days I commit to notice, write about, and photograph (if it can be photographed) something that reminds me of what I call “The Good, the Bright, and the Beautiful.”
I believe that focusing on the positive and spreading goodness, light and beauty is the best thing I can do to change the world. Who knows what impact it may have, but I know from studying positive psychology and from looking internally at what inspires me to be a better person, that it is the goodness, kindness, beauty and light that inspire me.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
— New International Version Bible Phillipians 4:8
Focusing on the Good, the Bright, and the Beautiful
Will you join me by committing to yourself to noticing and writing down the good, the bright, and the beautiful that you notice in your life for 30 days? Together we can light up the world.
May you walk in beauty.