As I was continuing my Lightroom catalog cleanup of removing old photos that I’m sure I’ll never use, a few of my 2013 photos caught my eye today, and intrigued me. I thought I would share some old work that I’m seeing through new eyes.
“You see something or hear a sound, and there you have everything just as it is.
Whatever you do, it should be an expression of the same deep activity. We should appreciate what we are doing. There is no preparation for something else.”
― Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice
The photo above of the spiral shell was made using my iPhone and it is not as sharp as I would like it to be, but I love the soft spiral shell against the almost completely black background.
The light and curves of this photo caught my eye. There is something so graceful about the curves of the lamp base against the parchment paper background. I also love the way the light reflects off the vase.
I love the simplicity of this photo and the texture of the leaves and the mandarin’s skin. It feels very zen to me.
The vivid pink of the Christmas cactus flower contrasting with the dark background feels dramatic as a flamenco dancer to me.
This tiny scene from a fairy house complete with a string of Christmas lights delights my sense of whimsey.
The drama of the dark leaf background against the Buddha statue please my eye.
Moisture has collected on the vases, window glass, and sill where they stand. The moisure adds a sense of mystery to the photo for me.
What can you see with new eyes today?
May you walk in beauty.