Quotes of the day: “Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive.” ― Hafiz

“Oh, yes; the game was to just find something about everything to be glad about—no matter what ’twas”
― Eleanor H. PorterPollyanna

Fairy Garden at Tonkadale Greenhouse

Fairy Garden at Tonkadale Greenhouse

Saturday Glad Game

On a cold November day I decided to play the Glad Game. Here is what I’m glad about this week…


I’m glad that people love to make things beautiful and bright during the Christmas season.


I’m glad to see fairy gardens and whimsical creations.


I’m glad to giggle when I see something that strikes my funny bone like this. Plants provide so much beauty and wonder. Whether it’s a cactus plant or an aloe plant, the beauty of it is First Aid for my soul.


I’m glad for green plants and peaceful statues.


I’m glad when the sight of beauty makes  me catch my breath and then say, “Ahhhh…”


I’m glad that I finally went to The Marsh (a fitness and balance center in Minnetonka) and got a 25-day trial membership. It is truly a beautiful and soulful place and I am looking forward to sinking my sore muscles into the warm therapy pool there and trying out yoga and other classes.


I’m glad when I see new plants that make me smile and fill me with wonder.


I’m glad to see plants that remind me of my trip to Hawaii last winter. Walking in the warm moist air of a greenhouse fills me with fond memories of the amazing plants and rain forest plants that surrounded me there.


I’m glad that I’ve finally got my desktop computer back to where I can use it fully after a hard drive failure almost a month ago.

I’m also glad for my iPhone camera. All of the photos in this post were made using my iPhone!

Play the Glad Game with me! Post a comment about what you’re glad about.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


Elizabeth · November 25, 2013 at 6:11 pm

I am glad that I have a new flag to hang on my house that says “PEACE”. It’s colors and message brings me peace every time I see it.

    Marilyn · November 30, 2013 at 3:55 pm

    Lovely. I’ll look for it next time I visit you.

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