Quote of the day: “I pray every single moment of my life; not on my knees but with my work. … Work and worship are one with me.”
― Susan B. Anthony
As I explore living each day from the heart and building my photography business in response to what calls me, I’ve come to see my work as prayer—a living prayer that takes in the wonder and beauty of nature and people and places and responds with love and gratitude for all that is. My work is also a prayer that sees the beauty of each person and reflects the beauty I see back to them so that they can see their wholeness even though none of us is perfect or without cracks and faults.
What do you think—is your work a living prayer at least some of the time? I invite you to ask yourself, “How will love be my work this week?” It can be something ordinary or mundane, it can be hard physical labor, it can be service or selling—so long as it’s done with love, it is a prayer.
These photos are my prayer from yesterday’s walk in the park.