Quote of the day: “Many days, I try to humble myself and hold a 2-minute gratitude session. I simply sit or kneel, with no distractions, close my eyes, and think about what I’m grateful for and who I’m grateful for.” — Leo Babauta
Oh, what a lovely week! My gratitude list this week is full of appreciation for joys of all sizes and shapes. I cannot believe how quickly time flies by. Last Friday we were in Kansas City visiting our grandkids. What fun! Our son-in-law had a minor surgery so we got to babysit while our daughter was at the hospital with him. We made play dough. We made masks. We played hide-and-seek. We read books. We played with legos. We were busy every single minute of the day from 6:00 AM until bedtime. And Grandpa Jon and Granny Mar came home exhausted but happy.
Here is my gratitude and bliss list for the week in the form of pictures:

Early morning sky beauty in Kansas – pink and purple clouds, moon still shining, and a golden glow from sunrise!

Travel photo fun – buffalo metal sculpture at Missouri rest area. With threatening skies, grass in the foreground, it almost looks like a live buffalo.

My heart melted each time one of my grandchildren trustingly held my hand – on the way to the park, walking across a parking lot, leading me upstairs to play – such trusting little hands.

Gratitude for playing and laughing together. Remembering the squeals of delight from my granddaughter each time I shouted “Ready or not, here I come!” while playing hide and seek.
Michele Bergh · August 10, 2012 at 6:47 pm
Oh, I just love your photos and your list. My favorites are where you talk about just taking a couple of minutes to think about what we’re grateful for; your comments at the beginning about cool nights, open windows, simple pleasures – beautiful; and I especially love the dragonfly photo and the one of you walking along the log.
Lesley · August 11, 2012 at 4:19 am
Beautiful photos…beautiful list!
To have a child’s hand put trustingly into yours…it’s the simple things that melt us, huh?
Have another glorious week!
Lynda Schrader · August 11, 2012 at 12:56 pm
Grandkids are the best. Your post is amazing. Thanks for sharing and reminding me to stop and notice everything.
Ruth · August 11, 2012 at 8:13 pm
Great photos. Love the green ferns.
Janet Hovde · August 13, 2012 at 3:55 pm
Oh, what BEAUTIFUL photos. I loved many of them, but the one that I felt in my heart is the photo of your grandchild’s hands. So soft (so clean!) Thank you for sharing these (from another Liv Lane Bliss List friend)