Quote of the day: “Know that nothing is wasted. Everything you have ever learned, done, achieved, not achieved, worked for, struggled through, celebrated, missed, etc is on your side in every single situation in your life, including business. When fear crops up, remember you have an lifetime of ammunition + experiences that has been waiting to tackle that specific fear. You are ready for it. Nothing is wasted.” —Kelly Rae Roberts and Beth Nichols in Hello Soul, Hello Business

Two paths diverged in the woods

It’s easy to say “Do what you love, the money will follow,” and quite different to live it. I love what I’m doing as a photographer and I love the challenges of starting a business that I believe in, but sometimes it is overwhelming how much I have yet to learn (and not just about photography!). I remember before I decided to make the leap, a friend said, “It’s easy. Just post your photos on Etsy and sell them there.” Ha! Little did either of us know about everything I needed to learn about selling online and social networking and website creation.

I have written before about feeling driven to do—to achieve, to work hard—and I am intentionally STOPPING BEING DRIVEN in my photography business. Because I want to stay in the flow. Because I want to feel joy in what I’m doing. Because when I play and have fun is when good things happen in my business. And when I push and drive hard, not only does it suck the joy out of what I’m doing, but customers and opportunities evaporate.

Staying in play and out of fear or “have to” are big challenges for me. It goes against everything I learned as a farmer’s daughter growing up. My parents worked hard every day. No matter what they felt like doing, they did what had to be done to grow the crops, raise the animals, feed the family. Sleeping in never happened. Taking it easy for a day only happened on Sunday afternoons after church and Sunday midday dinner.  Nature’s calendar ruled their days. And survival on a farm was hard work.

My story is different now. I have choices. And I am very fortunate. So here’s to following joy and the spirit of play, wherever it leads me! I wish you joy and play today too.

Lush ferns at Lyndale Peace Park

Solomon's Seal Wildflowers



Lake Harriet




Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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