Quote of the day: “We are all artists and creative dreamers. Society would have us believe that only some of us are. The world will benefit immensely from more people living their dreams.” ~ Sark Make Your Creative Dreams Real
Creating a life, creating some thing, creating a feeling, creating a relationship, creating a soul — what are you creating? I think we can live in joy and creativity, or we can live in survival mode and fear. One way of living opens us up to discover potential and possibilities. The other way leads to protecting, assimilating, adapting and surviving. We all have challenges and we all experience stress. We all need to make a living. But if we live in a constant state of stress and fear and protectiveness, then we limit ourselves and those around us to something less than we really are.
For me, photography has opened the doors to a creating way of living. When I was a kid, I was always making something. My favorite way to spend a quiet Sunday afternoon was with a craft book called The Make-it Book. As an adult, I’ve always sewed and quilted and made things but I never realized until I fell in love with photography that creating was so central to my being. What creative dream is calling you? Can you take one tiny step to making that dream a reality today?
Yesterday I visited Jim Brandenburg’s wonderful photography exhibit, “Chased by the Light,” at the Bell Museum of Natural History at the University of MN. Brandenburg took 1 photo a day for 90 days for this project. I try to imagine taking only 1 photo a day for 90 days and I couldn’t do it. Not right now, maybe not ever. I usually can’t pick just one photo to upload to my blog. What discipline and skill and courage he had to imagine and fulfill this dream. I was so inspired by the photos. Northern Minnesota is one of my favorite places and he captured the beauty and wonder of the flora and fauna up there.